(407) 951-5030

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Additional Services

Creative Grooming

Do you want to have your dog transformed into a work of art? Our creative groomers can do that!  Bring us your concept or brainstorm with us to transform your best friend into a walking holiday ornament, fourth of July sensation, or any other colorful and unique statement.  

Nutrition Consulting

Are you over-whelmed by all of the nutrition information out there?  Has your vet told you that your pup needs to lighten up, but you aren’t sure of the healthiest way? Do you want to feed your pet so that they can live their best and longest lives? While the internet is brimming with information about canine nutrition, much of it conflicting, how do you know what’s best for your best friend?  Dr. Cindie Luhman, certified canine nutritionist with 30 years of animal nutrition experience, can help you.  Set up a short and free introductory session to see if this service is right for you.   

Kong of the Month

Does your best friend need a treat while boarding or at daycare?  We offer a kong of the month!  Just let us know at check-in and your pup can enjoy the “flavor of the month” for a small $5 fee.  For 2024:

August – Peanut butter 

September – Apple sauce

October – Pumpkin 

November – Thanksgiving dinner

December – Holiday Kong

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